Coskan’s Approach to Oracle

January 5, 2011

What was wrong?

Filed under: Performance — coskan @ 1:01 pm

This is a tiny quiz like post, to see how people diagnose to sort the problem/problems here

This is when I check around 11:30Am on 27th (please open it from “view source button” to see better- button appears right hand side when you go over the code)

 SQL> @swact

    SID STATE   EVENT                                          SEQ# SEC_IN_STATE         P1         P2         P3 P1TRANSL                                   SQL_ID         CHN BLCKNG_SID BLCKNG_SID_S BLCKNG_INST
------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ ------------- ---- ---------- ------------ -----------
   1157 WAITING Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the       31559            0     169722 4.4438E+10          5                                                                          UNKNOWN
    390 WAITING db file scattered read                         8831            4        122    3402637          3                                            49xfrap6ytmsz    0            NO HOLDER
   1059 WAITING db file scattered read                         2575            0         18    3540987          2                                            6sy5x0dnyq7gp    1            NO HOLDER
    780 WAITING db file scattered read                        10509            0         54    3104110          3                                            903wwaubvn68k    4            NO HOLDER
    777 WAITING db file scattered read                        43294            0          8    3525609          3                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    393 WAITING db file scattered read                        53359            4        122    1311756          3                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    293 WAITING db file scattered read                         2563            0        182    2370423          3                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    584 WAITING db file sequential read                        8068            0        116    2224706          1                                            1hx317q49q07d    1            NO HOLDER
    487 WAITING db file sequential read                        6848            0         98    3399221          1                                            6ug9z3tm0udpa    0            NO HOLDER
    297 WAITING db file sequential read                        1997            0         12    3694453          1                                            903wwaubvn68k    5            NO HOLDER
    203 WAITING db file sequential read                       57138            0        137    3774888          1                                            903wwaubvn68k    4            NO HOLDER
   1068 WAITING db file sequential read                       55082            0        180     457872          1                                            92qxw78kqu645    0            NO HOLDER
    102 WAITING db file sequential read                       15928            0         18    3421028          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1161 WAITING db file sequential read                       50477            0         24    3597877          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    586 WAITING db file sequential read                       30187            0         99    2827261          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1351 WAITING db file sequential read                       36501            0        143    3528249          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1061 WAITING db file sequential read                       14914            0        176    2339005          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1162 WAITING db file sequential read                       34251            0        182    1609635          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    580 WAITING db file sequential read                       59341            0        182    1736561          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1255 WAITING db file sequential read                       14584            0        182    2002050          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    292 WAITING db file sequential read                       12400            0        182    2728806          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
   1451 WAITING db file sequential read                         743            0        182    3028810          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    106 WAITING db file sequential read                       60750            0        183    1701508          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
     10 WAITING db file sequential read                       55193            0        184    1736937          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
      9 WAITING db file sequential read                       10210            0        184    2309535          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    488 WAITING db file sequential read                       64865            0        184    2343479          1                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
    391 WAITING db file sequential read                       64588            0          4    1555731          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    1            NO HOLDER
    871 WAITING db file sequential read                         954            0         24    3316869          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    1            NO HOLDER
    774 WAITING db file sequential read                       11105            0         24    3398637          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    1            NO HOLDER
   1446 WAITING db file sequential read                       41035            0        116    2763511          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
      7 WAITING db file sequential read                       41212            0        149    3192125          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
      5 WAITING db file sequential read                       52224            0        153    2657271          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
    394 WAITING db file sequential read                       17441            0        180    2937987          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    1            NO HOLDER
    200 WAITING db file sequential read                        4817            0        184    3616064          1                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    1            NO HOLDER
    779 WAITING direct path read                              37544            4        122     824944         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
    677 WAITING direct path read                              48106            4        122     824960         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
    582 WAITING direct path read                              62850            4        122     825520         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
   1256 WAITING direct path read                              21726            4        122    1141296         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
    392 WAITING direct path read                              52383            4        122    1141312         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
    589 WAITING direct path read                              57288            4        122     477936         16                                            6kbpsc2jb91dq    1            UNKNOWN
    204 WAITING enq: KO - fast object checkpoint              27274         3140 1263468550      65650          1 0x4B4F0006: KO mode6                       0qvw20ptvsq4b    1       1249 VALID         ##########
    301 WAITING enq: KO - fast object checkpoint              63459         8232 1263468550      65667          1 0x4B4F0006: KO mode6                       1t4r0r70xg5nw    0       1249 VALID         ##########
   1259 WAITING enq: KO - fast object checkpoint               4170          594 1263468550      65661          1 0x4B4F0006: KO mode6                       49wv7fcafp592    0       1249 VALID         ##########
   1258 WAITING enq: KO - fast object checkpoint               1200          594 1263468550      65677          1 0x4B4F0006: KO mode6                       49wv7fcafp592    0       1249 VALID         ##########
    684 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                 32955       146961 1415053318    1703962    7965635 0x54580006: TX mode6                       903wwaubvn68k    4       1256 VALID         ##########
    104 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                 60635       174744 1415053318    2686999    2493927 0x54580006: TX mode6                       903wwaubvn68k    2       1259 VALID         ##########
   1357 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                  1018        15106 1415053318    2949135    1686270 0x54580006: TX mode6                       903wwaubvn68k    5        297 VALID         ##########
   1450 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                    34       141454 1415053318    3014687    1597677 0x54580006: TX mode6                       903wwaubvn68k    1       1067 VALID         ##########
   1444 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                 12087       135239 1415053318    3473432    1523820 0x54580006: TX mode6                       903wwaubvn68k    4        779 VALID         ##########
   1454 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention                 34927          799 1415053318    1441817   14075933 0x54580006: TX mode6                       drjnqxby1927s    0         12 VALID         ##########
    964 WAITING free buffer waits                             15050            4         26     684518         47                                            1ayvhx1yt4zxp    0        961 VALID         ##########
    103 WAITING free buffer waits                             50435           53        116    2224095         43                                            1hx317q49q07d    0        961 VALID         ##########
    195 WAITING free buffer waits                             37827           15        116    2224095         43                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    496 WAITING free buffer waits                              4599           53        116    2224095         43                                            1hx317q49q07d    0        961 VALID         ##########
    678 WAITING free buffer waits                             30372           53        116    2224100         43                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
   1160 WAITING free buffer waits                             12865           53        116    2224100         43                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    874 WAITING free buffer waits                              1391           10        116    2224100         45                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    683 WAITING free buffer waits                             64898           20        116    2224515         47                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    490 WAITING free buffer waits                             61840            9        116    2224565         45                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    295 WAITING free buffer waits                             58320            9        116    2224565         45                                            1hx317q49q07d    1        961 VALID         ##########
    194 WAITING free buffer waits                             27899            9        116    2224565         46                                            1hx317q49q07d    1       1057 VALID         ##########
    399 WAITING free buffer waits                             46190            4        116    3431484         46                                            49wv7fcafp592    0       1057 VALID         ##########
      3 WAITING free buffer waits                             28122           64        185    2793836         43                                            4wztt7u8md4f5    0        961 VALID         ##########
     98 WAITING free buffer waits                             10526           20        186    3286834         47                                            4wztt7u8md4f5    0        961 VALID         ##########
   1154 WAITING free buffer waits                             28834           10        188    2931858         43                                            4wztt7u8md4f5    0        961 VALID         ##########
   1155 WAITING free buffer waits                             22844            0        116    3593900         43                                            6sy5x0dnyq7gp    1        961 VALID         ##########
    870 WAITING free buffer waits                             28946           14         18    3925826         43                                            903wwaubvn68k    4        961 VALID         ##########
   1067 WAITING free buffer waits                             29816           20        181    3274463         43                                            903wwaubvn68k    1        961 VALID         ##########
    681 WAITING free buffer waits                             35443            0         21    3478189         43                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1        961 VALID         ##########
     12 WAITING free buffer waits                              8879            2        168      46071         35                                            drjnqxby1927s    0        961 VALID         ##########
   1165 WAITING free buffer waits                             11974            0         99    3293378         42                                            gj05bqfb8sgda    0       1057 VALID         ##########
   1158 WAITING free buffer waits                             60839           14        153    3876852         33                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0        961 VALID         ##########
    491 WAITING free buffer waits                             49412           24        122    3402617         47                                                                      961 VALID         ##########
    300 WAITING free buffer waits                             53971           20        122    3402618         47                                                                      961 VALID         ##########
   1448 WAITING read by other session                         53882            0          8    3525609          1 data block  obj=TABLE_XXXXXXX type=TABLE  96b6hrt8csw55    1        777 VALID         ##########

    873 WAITING read by other session                         44573            0        184    1736937          1 data block  obj=TABLE_XXXXXXX type=TABLE  96b6hrt8csw55    1         10 VALID         ##########

   1442 WAITING write complete waits                          18271           10         95      10722          0                                            0dhchmc8q926g    0        961 VALID         ##########
    778 WORKING On CPU / runqueue                             32331            0 1413697536          1          0                                            dgcp1b9y4h89a    1            NOT IN WAIT

78 rows selected.

Questions :

1- What would you check first ?

2- What would you check for free-buffer event ?

3- What might be wrong for free buffer event for me to get the picture below ?


This is free buffer events graph when I sorted that event only around 12:30  on 27th ( I only show graph of free buffer events because our problem was different which was caused by a missing index on the main table which also caused a free buffer waits after the problem sorted but it is not the point of this topic so please ignore for the 28th 🙂 )


Update 18:44 05-01-11: Think about this system as brand new system for you. You only knew main 500GB table partitioned by dbms_redefinition and partitioning finished. You got call that everything is slow and the main DBA was on holiday.

Update 10:46 07-01-11 I got very impressive and very interesting answers. I really like Charles way of thinking and Radoslavs approach.

When it comes to what I did, I checked what session 961 and 1057 doing

here is what I see when I checked 961 and 1057

SQL> @usid 961

 SID             PROGRAM              SPID      LASTCALL STATUS
 --------------  -------------------- ------------------ --------
  '961,1'        (DBW0)               26636       255137 ACTIVE

SQL> @usid 1057

 SID             PROGRAM              SPID        LASTCALL STATUS
 --------------  -------------------- --------  ---------- --------
  '1057,1'       (DBW1)               26638         255143 ACTIVE

I saw dbwriter then I decided to do another check.

I already did a research on free buffer wait event before and as doc says it could be that DBWR could not catch up writing the dirty buffers to disk.

Because I am completely new to this system I could not just assume system is a good design.

SQL> show parameter io

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
audit_sys_operations                 boolean     FALSE
backup_tape_io_slaves                boolean     FALSE
cell_offload_compaction              string      ADAPTIVE
cell_offload_decryption              boolean     TRUE
cursor_bind_capture_destination      string      memory+disk
db_flashback_retention_target        integer     1440
dbwr_io_slaves                       integer     0
deferred_segment_creation            boolean     TRUE
disk_asynch_io                       boolean     TRUE
fast_start_io_target                 integer     0
fileio_network_adapters              string
filesystemio_options                 string      directio
java_max_sessionspace_size           integer     0
java_soft_sessionspace_limit         integer     0
license_max_sessions                 integer     0
license_sessions_warning             integer     0
parallel_execution_message_size      integer     16384
parallel_io_cap_enabled              boolean     FALSE
replication_dependency_tracking      boolean     TRUE
resource_manager_cpu_allocation      integer     16
result_cache_remote_expiration       integer     0
sec_protocol_error_further_action    string      CONTINUE
sec_protocol_error_trace_action      string      TRACE
session_cached_cursors               integer     50
session_max_open_files               integer     10
sessions                             integer     1536
shared_server_sessions               integer
star_transformation_enabled          string      FALSE
tape_asynch_io                       boolean     TRUE
transactions                         integer     1689
transactions_per_rollback_segment    integer     5
undo_retention                       integer     10800

Do you see something wrong with the parameters ?

filesystemio_options string directio
disk_asynch_io boolean TRUE

and number of dbwriters are 2 and this is asnych i/o supported linux system

I asked business to change the parameter filesystemio_options to SETALL followed by outage. Since it was qa they accepted to do that and we restarted.

After the restart no more free buffer waits left.

SQL> @swact

    SID STATE   EVENT                                          SEQ# SEC_IN_STATE         P1         P2         P3 P1TRANSL                                   SQL_ID         CHN BLCKNG_SID BLCKNG_SID_S BLCKNG_INST
------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------ ------------- ---- ---------- ------------ -----------
    394 WAITING PX Deq: Execute Reply                         20003            9        200          5          0                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0       1063 VALID         ##########
    200 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             4          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1259 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             3          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    493 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             4          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    587 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             3          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    297 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             7          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
     14 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             3          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    684 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             6          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1353 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             4          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1450 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             5          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    204 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             3          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    398 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             4          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    107 WAITING PX Deq: Execution Msg                             5          110  268566527         56 4.4291E+10                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1062 WAITING Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the        8517            4     169722 4.3499E+10          5                                                                          UNKNOWN
    291 WAITING Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the        1399            4     847866 4.3499E+10        120                                                                          UNKNOWN
    388 WAITING db file scattered read                        35689            0          8    3290683         14                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
      5 WAITING db file scattered read                        55938            1          8    3472309         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    776 WAITING db file scattered read                        47950            0         12    3240101         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    775 WAITING db file scattered read                        59251            1         78    3408813         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    198 WAITING db file scattered read                          944            1         84    3308877         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    1            NO HOLDER
   1252 WAITING db file scattered read                         2141            0        110    3330992          3                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    967 WAITING db file scattered read                        15594            1        116    2182344          8                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
      6 WAITING db file scattered read                        48153            1        116    2220207          2                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    486 WAITING db file scattered read                        45281            1        122    2126792         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
   1065 WAITING db file scattered read                        51433            1        136    3369917         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    871 WAITING db file scattered read                         3933            1        146    3731624         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
    295 WAITING db file scattered read                        47880            0        153    1968132         16                                            1hx317q49q07d    0            NO HOLDER
   1060 WAITING db file scattered read                        41096            0        138    3568753         16                                            6sy5x0dnyq7gp    0            NO HOLDER
   1156 WAITING db file scattered read                        18820            2        146    3510936         16                                            6sy5x0dnyq7gp    0            NO HOLDER
   1164 WAITING db file scattered read                          537            0        102    3364814          2                                            6ug9z3tm0udpa    0            NO HOLDER
   1354 WAITING db file scattered read                         5085            0         12    2617077         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
     13 WAITING db file scattered read                         1911            0         18     840859         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
   1351 WAITING db file scattered read                        20606            1         21    3732633         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    5            NO HOLDER
    872 WAITING db file scattered read                        62586            1         29    3725313         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    6            NO HOLDER
    494 WAITING db file scattered read                        48400            1        108    3670313         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
    389 WAITING db file scattered read                        34973            1        109    3891273         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    4            NO HOLDER
    290 WAITING db file scattered read                        63299            1        116    2766680         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    3            NO HOLDER
    102 WAITING db file scattered read                        13642            1        116    3749032         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    2            NO HOLDER
   1162 WAITING db file scattered read                         4001            0        120     897310          6                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
    586 WAITING db file scattered read                        12395            1        126    3309519         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
    397 WAITING db file scattered read                          227            0        136    1142460          3                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
    676 WAITING db file scattered read                         6794            0        136    2014799          3                                            96b6hrt8csw55    7            NO HOLDER
    582 WAITING db file scattered read                        28366            1        176    1541000         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    1            NO HOLDER
      3 WAITING db file scattered read                        42306            1        177    2842776         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    0            NO HOLDER
    683 WAITING db file scattered read                        61960            1        181     804168         16                                            96b6hrt8csw55    0            NO HOLDER
   1352 WAITING db file scattered read                         5107            0          4    3380200         14                                            amhsjrzs5hyg5    0            NO HOLDER
   1449 WAITING db file scattered read                         1108            1        143    2164525         16                                            amhsjrzs5hyg5    0            NO HOLDER
    103 WAITING db file scattered read                         3890            0        149    2324484         16                                            amhsjrzs5hyg5    0            NO HOLDER
      8 WAITING db file scattered read                        13835            1        137    2316749         16                                            bcftaq4qw1ur7    0            NO HOLDER
   1254 WAITING db file scattered read                        61829            1        177     405028         16                                            bcftaq4qw1ur7    0            NO HOLDER
    490 WAITING db file scattered read                        42588            1        183     816616         16                                            bcftaq4qw1ur7    0            NO HOLDER
    681 WAITING db file scattered read                        39165            1        102    3670249         16                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
    583 WAITING db file scattered read                        44055            1        137    2171469         16                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
   1257 WAITING db file scattered read                        55597            1        176    3778728         16                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
   1444 WAITING db file scattered read                        41804            1        181    2407576         16                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
    488 WAITING db file scattered read                          169            1        182    1705576         16                                            grh2sp5vv6p52    0            NO HOLDER
    392 WAITING db file scattered read                        16649            1        135    3641393         16                                                                          NO HOLDER
    197 WAITING db file sequential read                       12387            1        124     513458          1                                            0dhchmc8q926g    0            NO HOLDER
    964 WAITING db file sequential read                         676            1        146     848005          1                                            5cusvg17sxdmg    0            NO HOLDER
   1063 WAITING db file sequential read                        3840            0        102    3840206          1                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            NO HOLDER
    777 WAITING db file sequential read                         698            0          4    3689548          1                                            gj05bqfb8sgda    0            NO HOLDER
   1253 WAITING direct path read                              58341            1        136    3460480         16                                            49wv7fcafp592    0            UNKNOWN
   1161 WAITING direct path read                                367            0          4    3478432         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1451 WAITING direct path read                                815            1         12    3331904         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    782 WAITING direct path read                                334            1         29    3472256         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    202 WAITING direct path read                                365            1         99    2874528         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1260 WAITING direct path read                                461            0        126    3345856         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    873 WAITING direct path read                                734            1        135    3370016         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
     11 WAITING direct path read                                807            0        136    3426896         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
   1067 WAITING direct path read                                718            2        146    2682512         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    778 WAITING direct path read                                558            1        153    1912836         12                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    875 WAITING direct path read                                349            0        181    1457568         16                                            dtz7d985utg6z    0            UNKNOWN
    292 WAITING enq: KO - fast object checkpoint              59339         8529 1263468550      65619          1 0x4B4F0006: KO mode6                                                1249 VALID         ##########
   1058 WAITING read by other session                          2358            0         12    2617077          1 data block  obj=TABLE_XXX type=TABLE	     96b6hrt8csw55    7       1354 VALID         ##########

Was free buffer waits our problem ? Obviously not 🙂 In my opinion and understanding Our real problem which was missing index, caused pressure in buffer cache and revealed this wrong parameter setting on the system.

FYI: The secondary free buffer waits on 28th was caused by attempt to create the index in restricted mode with parallel 10 to sort the real problem which revealed these wrong setting.

I think I did not ask the question right and should have given more clues. Hope next reader challenge will be more clear 🙂


  1. Hi Coskan,

    First, I would have checked the contentions and wait events so we have a contention and a wait event in this very example. Row lock contention could happened because of the application itself. Free buffer waits are there because DBWn can not cope with the dirty buffers fast enough. Jonathan Lewis posted a nice article here –>
    So either the objects were pinned in the buffer or DBWn was not fast enough. However, i also see in the chart that we had a vicious log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) wait event for a while near Dec 28, 09:00 AM. I believe there is something wrong with the log_buffer and the online redolog sizes. If they can be tuned than the problem may dissapper before digging into a real analysis.


    Comment by Ogan Ozdogan — January 5, 2011 @ 1:18 pm

  2. Hi Coskan,

    The first thing i would check is “903wwaubvn68k” sql_id.This particular sql_id is showing “db file scattered read”,”enq: TX – row lock contention” and “free buffer waits”.Also, would have checked session id 961.

    “What might be wrong for free buffer event”– free buffer events can be caused due to inefficient sqls.

    Session 1442 shows “write complete waits” event which could be cause of I/O staturation.So, I/O is also to be considered for check.


    Comment by Anand — January 5, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

  3. There really is not enough information to make an accurate guess of what is happening in this case. Is swact.sql Tanel’s session watcher script?

    If I had to make a guess, I would look at the SEC_IN_STATE column and see that there are several really big numbers there, the largest at 174,744. The script seems to be showing that only one session is on the CPU (probably the session executing swact.sql), while all other sessions are listed as waiting.

    SQL> SELECT 174744/60/60/24 FROM DUAL;
    SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('27-DEC-2010 11:30','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')-2.0225,'MM/DD HH24:MI') FROM DUAL;
    12/25 10:57

    So, that puts the first row lock contention wait at roughly 11 AM on December 25. Something, probably a scheduled job, likely started at 11 AM on Christmas day and attempted to insert a row using the SQL statement with SQL_ID 903wwaubvn68k, causing a possible primary key violation if session 1259 committed. Three other sessions also started being blocked when attempting to execute the same SQL statement (all had different CHILD_NUMBER values, one additional session was attempting to execute SQL ID drjnqxby1927s). This might suggest that the primary key is not generated by a sequence, but instead by something like:


    The likely cause of that wait is probably an end-user failing to click OK to indicate that a set of documents printed (or something similar) so that a COMMIT could be performed, before leaving for the Christmas holiday.

    The ‘enq: KO – fast object checkpoint’ waits typically indicate that a direct path read is about to happen, possibly due to a parallel query execution or a serial direct read of a table. The first wait of that type shown started at about 9:12 AM on December 27, and the last one at 11:20 AM. At roughly 11:20 AM you yelled at the SAN causing it to panic ( which then triggered additional waits for blocks to be read from the SAN. The decrease in the ‘free buffer waits’ is simply an indication of less pressure on the buffer cache because all of the other sessions are still waiting for their previous IO requests to complete.

    How close is my guess?

    Comment by Charles Hooper — January 5, 2011 @ 5:27 pm

    • I can say you add different dimension to my own analysis which is good that I learn more things from my own post:)

      Script is slightly modified version of SW.sql (modification is for buffer busy reads nothing to do with this post) called for active foreground sessions with a newer name @swact

      This server was completely “new” to me apart from the fact that I only knew the massive core table with 500GB size was partitioned with dbms_redefinition and “partitioning” operation was finished reported as success but as I said the main index was missing that was causing other sessions suffer.

      All I did was check with @swact and another check and took an action. I am after my action and the other check as answer.

      Thanks for stopping by by the way

      Comment by coskan — January 5, 2011 @ 6:43 pm

      • All I did was check with @swact and another check and took an action. I am after my action and the other check as answer
        I am still trying to understand/digest all the explainations so excuse me if I am shooting in the dark but did your “another check” involve checking what the session 961 was doing? It seems session with SID 961 is causing “Free Buffer Waits”.

        Comment by Narendra — January 6, 2011 @ 7:33 am

  4. Hm, I’m not very experienced troubleshooter, but I would probably check statements with that fullscans where buffer cache is used (db file scattered read), especially: 96b6hrt8csw55 (fullscan on partitioned table)
    and 903wwaubvn68k
    903wwaubvn68k is very interesting it contains fullscan (scattered reads), requests an exclusive locks (so it’s modifying data) and it is also doing index reads (sequential reads)
    Is it an MERGE statement? Or some update statement with IN/EXISTS?

    and I would probably check what sessions 961 and 1057 are doing.

    free buffer waits occurs when session cannot find free buffers to read data or *to build a consistent image of data block* – I think it’s only a symptom

    Comment by Radoslav Golian — January 5, 2011 @ 10:30 pm

    • you saw the merge but not on the right sqlid 🙂

      96b6hrt8csw55 was doing merge

      903wwaubvn68k was doing an update

      apart from that your analysis is very close to mine

      here is what I see when I checked 961 and 1057

      SQL> @usid 961
       SID             PROGRAM              SPID      LASTCALL STATUS
       --------------  -------------------- ------------------ --------
        '961,1'        (DBW0)               26636       255137 ACTIVE
      SQL> @usid 1057
       SID             PROGRAM              SPID        LASTCALL STATUS
       --------------  -------------------- --------  ---------- --------
        '1057,1'       (DBW1)               26638         255143 ACTIVE

      then I decided to do another check

      .. rest is in update

      Comment by coskan — January 7, 2011 @ 1:56 pm

  5. 684 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 32955 146961 1415053318 1703962 7965635 0x54580006: TX mode6 903wwaubvn68k 4 1256 VALID ##########
    104 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 60635 174744 1415053318 2686999 2493927 0x54580006: TX mode6 903wwaubvn68k 2 1259 VALID ##########
    1357 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 1018 15106 1415053318 2949135 1686270 0x54580006: TX mode6 903wwaubvn68k 5 297 VALID ##########
    1450 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 34 141454 1415053318 3014687 1597677 0x54580006: TX mode6 903wwaubvn68k 1 1067 VALID ##########
    1444 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 12087 135239 1415053318 3473432 1523820 0x54580006: TX mode6 903wwaubvn68k 4 779 VALID ##########
    1454 WAITING enq: TX - row lock contention 34927 799 1415053318 1441817 14075933 0x54580006: TX mode6

    Seconds in wait to high and all this are on same transaction slot with mode 6. Someone might need to rollback or commit.

    May be i am wrong.

    Comment by Taral Desai — January 5, 2011 @ 11:38 pm

  6. Opps. Click button earlier Also, 49wv7fcafp592 which id doing direct path io need to do object level checkpoint and this would be the object that is holding that rows

    Comment by Taral Desai — January 5, 2011 @ 11:42 pm

  7. I have updated the post with my actions

    Comment by coskan — January 7, 2011 @ 1:59 pm

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